


Mono Magazine [2015-04-16]

등록일 | 2015.04.02

Mono Magazine [2015-04-16]

New Collection of Solid Tire “Tannus” gives more comfortable ride with improving its elasticity.

※ Tannus Aither 1.1 에 대한 기사가 일본 유명 잡지"Mono Magazine"를 통해 소개되었습니다.

New Collection of Solid Tire “Tannus” gives more comfortable ride with improving its elasticity.

“Tannus,” bike tire of the Next Generation known as its feature of maintenance-free, comes out with versioning up.

Being closer to pneumatic tires, its ride comfort create a revolution among the world of bike tire

Uniquely-developed Micro Closed Cell Polymer Resin ”Aither” has been upgraded to version 1.1 and Tannus has completely revised its line-ups.

With this, Aither 1.1 gives much more elasticity as well as higher ride comfort and grip performance.

Tannus is aiming similar quality as pneumatic tires.

And now its weight, grip performance, ride durability, rolling resistance as well as price making close in pneumatic tires

Our dream of maintenance-free is just around the corner.